

Preliminary program of IKI Velomarathon 2022:


9.00–11.30 Sport and Semi-Sport Heat

12.00–12.30 Children HeatAwards ceremony after the finish

12.15 Awards ceremony for Sport and Semi-Sport Groups

13.00–13.10 Electric Scooters Heat

13.00–13.30 TERRASPORT Rollerblades, Scooters, Skateboards Heat

13.35 Awards ceremony for General Classifications and Teams

14.00–16.00 Cycling Amateurs Heat

16.00–16.30 “Greentrials show”

16.30 Awards ceremony for cycling Amateurs Group



Sport, Semi-Sport and cycling Amateurs Heats START location is at Lithuanian Republic Seimas Palace, Electric Scooters; TERRASPORT Rollerblades, Scooters, Skateboards; Children Heats START location is at Žvėrynas bridge (Gedimino ave., 53).